Breast Augmentation Portland

Women often perceived themselves by the size and shape of their breasts. Many women are surprised by how real and natural their breast implants feel like after a breast augmentation surgery in Portland. Having their breasts enlarged can not only boost their self-esteem but also inspire them to lead a healthier lifestyle implementing better eating habits and exercising more to fit their new body image. Dr. Bartholomew strives to deliver the best breast augmentation Portland has to offer.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, more than 313,000 women received breast augmentation surgery in 2018, making it the most frequently performed cosmetic procedure in the United States.

Before & After Results

Why Get Breast Augmentation?

A breast augmentation is a surgical procedure that enlarges the size and shape of a woman’s breast. There are many reasons why our Portland breast augmentation patients consider this procedure. They may feel their breasts are too small, have lost volume due to weight loss or pregnancy, or disproportionate in size and shape.

A woman is looking to improve symmetry, the shape of her breasts, breast appearance (especially with disfiguration due to abnormalities), and the foundation of a breast contour (especially after breast cancer). Some women suffer from micromastia, a condition about the underdevelopment of a woman’s breast tissue that leaves them feeling like they have a prepubescent boy’s chest. Other women develop asymmetrical breasts that do not match in size or shape. For example, one breast might be a B-cup and the other a D-cup. It’s a noticeable condition that leads to embarrassment. It becomes a body image issue with women wanting to look more normal in their clothes.

There are women looking to get their bodies back after one or several pregnancies. A mommy makeover with breast implants can restore the natural appearance of their breasts to what it used to be.

Breast Augmentation Portland

Usually, breast augmentation is done in order to enhance the body’s contours, to correct a difference of breast size, or as a reconstructive procedure after breast surgery.

Benefits of Breast Augmentation

Whether you're looking to achieve a more proportional figure, restore volume lost after pregnancy or weight loss, or simply feel more comfortable in your own skin, Breast Augmentation offers numerous benefits, including:

At our innovative Portland clinic, Dr. Bartholomew works closely with you to ensure a tailored approach that aligns with your anatomy, medical history, and personal goals—offering not just aesthetic enhancement but a transformation that can positively impact your quality of life.

Who is a Candidate for Breast Augmentation in Portland?

Any woman in good physical health and looking for improvement in her appearance is a great candidate for breast augmentation.

Call us to set up a consultation and discuss what options are available to you. We can go over your expectations and your ideal appearance.

How Do I Choose an Implant?

There are plenty of choices when it comes to implant filler based on size, shape and other features. Dr. Bartholomew will help you determine your situation based on your breast anatomy, body type and how much you want to increase the size of your breasts. He will go over your current lifestyle and your personal preference for surgery. Dr. Bartholomew will make recommendations based on your goals and his extensive experience as a surgeon.

Breast Augmentation Portland

The incisions are discreetly placed so the scars are as inconspicuous as possible, such as next to the nipple, inside the breast crease, or inside the armpit. The skin and breast tissue are lifted to make a pocket for each breast implant.

Implants Types

There are two primary implant types: saline and silicone gel. Both have a silicone outer shell, but saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater and silicone implants are filled with a cohesive gel. Silicone implants tend to feel more like natural breast tissue, while saline implants can be adjusted for size during surgery.

Implant Placement

Implants can be placed either submuscular (under the chest muscle) or subglandular (above the muscle but under the breast tissue). Submuscular placement is ideal for a more natural look, while subglandular placement offers a fuller appearance and may shorten recovery time.

Implant Size

Choosing the right size is key to achieving the most balanced and proportional look. Dr. Bartholomew will help you decide on the implant size by considering your chest dimensions, natural breast tissue, and your aesthetic goals, ensuring that the result enhances your figure.

Implant Shape

Implants come in round and anatomical (teardrop-shaped) forms. Round implants often provide more upper breast fullness, while anatomical implants mimic the natural slope of the breast. Dr. Bartholomew will guide you in choosing the shape that best fits your body and aesthetic preferences.

What are the Risks?

Getting a breast augmentation in Portland is safe and straightforward. Capsular contracture is the most common problem resulting from tightening of the scar or capsule around the implant. It can be treated by removing the scar tissue or replacing the implant.

As typical of this type of procedure, some bleeding can occur that causes swelling and discomfort. Nipples can become very sensitive or numb. There may also be some numbness near your incisions. On rare occasion, an infection could develop around the implant within a week after the surgery that can be resolved by removing the implant until the infection clears up.

Breast Augmentation Portland

The implants may be inserted directly underneath the breast tissue or underneath the muscle of the chest wall.

A breast implant can break or rupture as a result of an injury or normal compression of your breast and implant. Keep Dr. Bartholomew informed of any situation that changes regarding your implants. Most of our Portland breast augmentation patients, however, do not experience any or few of these complications. It is important to understand the risks of breast augmentation in Portland as you set up your consultation.

Initial Consultation

Dr Sam Bartholomew, Portland Breast Augmentation Surgeon

In your initial consultation with Dr. Bartholomew, you will explore various options available to you based on your health and the condition of your breasts and skin tone. He will explain what surgical techniques may be most appropriate for you. Dr. Bartholomew may also make additional suggestions, such as a breast lift, that may be of benefit to you. Many procedures can be performed at the same time.

Dr. Bartholomew may recommend a mammogram to check the health of your breasts. You will be given advice on how to prepare for your surgery, including guidelines on when to stop eating prior to the procedure and dealing with your medications. Be prepared to make arrangement to be driven home after your surgery.

What is the Cost?

With the advance in technology, the breasts look very natural and last longer. Nevertheless, the reality is that breast augmentation is not covered by health insurance. Whether you end up with saline or silicone implants, both usually need to be replaced in the future. Most implants need to be replaced at some point so expect more breast implant surgeries.

Breast Augmentation Portland

After surgery, breasts appear fuller and more natural in tone and contour. Scars will fade with time.

Breast Augmentation Procedure

Your breast augmentation in Portland will include either a general anesthesia (meaning you sleep through the surgery) or a local anesthesia (meaning you are drowsy but awake). The procedure takes up to two hours.

Dr. Bartholomew makes an incision in the crease where the breast meets the chest and around the areola. He makes every effort to make the new scar as inconspicuous as possible. The next step is lifting the breast tissue and skin behind the sub mammary or beneath the pectoral muscle and on top of the chest wall. This creates a pocket where the implant is positioned. The incisions are then closed with sutures and a bandage applied over the breasts for healing purposes.

Breast Augmentation Results

Breast augmentation can deliver transformative results, helping you achieve fuller, more symmetrical breasts that enhance your overall body contour. After surgery, most patients notice an immediate improvement in the shape and size of their breasts, though final results will become more apparent as swelling subsides in the weeks following the procedure.

Dr. Bartholomew's meticulous approach ensures natural-looking results that are tailored to your unique anatomy and aesthetic goals. Whether you're seeking subtle enhancement or more dramatic changes, breast augmentation can boost your confidence and help you feel more comfortable in your own skin. As with any surgery, maintaining open communication with Dr. Bartholomew during follow-up visits is key to monitoring healing and ensuring your long-term satisfaction.

With the right care, your breast augmentation results can last for many years, giving you the balanced, harmonious look you've always envisioned.

Breast Augmentation Recovery

Following your breast augmentation surgery, you will feel some discomfort and pain. Dr. Bartholomew can prescribe some medications to help alleviate the pain. There may be some burning sensation in your nipples for two weeks. That’s completely normal and it will decrease as the bruising subsides.

The gauze dressing and stitches will be removed after a week or so. You may need to wear a surgical bra during your recovery time. Swelling in your breasts can take up to five weeks to disappear.

You may return to work after a few days of rest depending on the type of job that you do. When you resume your normal activities, your breasts will be sensitive to direct stimulation for up to three weeks; so, best to avoid physical contact until then.

Expect your scars to be firm and pink for a minimum of six weeks. They will finally fade, though not completely, after several months.

The goal is to have your breast augmentation done as efficiently and comfortably as possible and a result that will give you a youthful appearance and a new sense of self-confidence.

Breast Augmentation FAQs

Is Breast Augmentation common?

Yes, breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the U.S., with many women opting for this procedure to enhance their body contours.

Is Breast Augmentation painful? What does it feel like?

Most patients experience mild to moderate discomfort after surgery, which can be managed with pain medication. It typically feels like muscle soreness or pressure in the chest area.

Is Breast Augmentation safe? What are the risks?

Breast augmentation is generally safe when performed by a qualified surgeon, but as with any surgery, there are risks, including infection, implant rupture, or capsular contracture.

Will there be considerable scarring following Breast Augmentation?

Dr. Bartholomew takes care to place incisions in discreet locations, such as the breast crease or around the nipple, and scars tend to fade significantly over time.

Will I have to wear support garments after Breast Augmentation?

Yes, you will need to wear a special support bra during your recovery to minimize swelling and provide stability for the implants.

Will Breast Augmentation affect my nipple sensitivity or other complications?

Some patients may experience temporary changes in nipple sensitivity, but this usually resolves with time. In rare cases, permanent changes or other complications can occur.

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